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Begins a stage that never supposed... a client orders her first portrait and a new challenge begins in the trajectory of the artist.

Continued working the landscape but she is passionate about painting human figure. 

Is a very prolific period and 28 pices are recorded.

Portraits Stage 2010- 2011

In this stage and without intending to propose, ceiling decoration comissions begin to arrive  and creates true art's works. Of this period remain 10 recorded works of the tens that the artist painted.

Celings  Stage 2006- 2009

Juliao has took confidence in her brush but she wants to paint large works .... a canvas is too small to express what she feels.  She want to introduce into the mural's world.  This stage has 9 works.

  Murals Stage 2004 - 2006

2001 she got to Miami with her son and a suitecase full of dreams.

She is suprised to receive commisions with very classic themes but she manages to overcome the inconvenience to her creative mind and  becomes fully involved in classism. 

Commissioned her first mural and others artistic works, she does not control of light and shadow, wich makes seeing your work very flat and complements it  with moldings to enhance the shape. There are 7 works left in this period.

Classic Stage 2001- 2004
Commercial Stage 1997- 2000

In this proyect of the "Rock and Jazz Casino", the artist recreated in the 60's, combines her knowledge in interior design with color techniques, creativity and variety of materials, resulting an atmosphere of fantasy that until that moment was not know in Bogota, Colombia (South America). 

There are 3 murals of this stage.

 Amateur Stage 1977- 1993

La artista a demostrado su inclinacion por el arte desde temprana edad. Se han recopilado 6 cuadros de su etapa de "amateur".

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